Thursday, July 2, 2009

Plum Jam

There are loads of plums in the market here and my son had never tasted any, so bought a few to see if he'd like it..Till he was about 3, he never liked anything with a citric flavour, but now oranges and lemons have finally made an entry in his diet...
Surprisingly, he loved the plums, so I went and bought a whole load more and then he decided he didnt want to eat them any more...Now I was stuck with about 25 plums and a husband who does not believe in eating any fruit, unless they are juiced and a son who just didnt want to eat plums again...
I kept popping in plums everytime I walked by the kitchen till I got sick of it.

Bottled jam

I had never tried making jam at home - I always thought it was too complicated and messy...I didnt want these plums going waste, so finally looked up recipes for jam and I did it - made my first jam at home !!!

I kept tasting it as it was getting done and found it a bit sour. I didnt want to add any more sugar, so grated some ginger and squeezed the juice of it on the plums.
Then I added a few cloves too and it did add a lot to the flavour..

Plum jam and bread

It was super simple after all and turned out just great...The husband and son had it for breakfast today !!

What you need -

20 plums
1.5 cup sugar
1 cup water
1 tsp grated ginger
5 cloves

What you do with it -

Wash the plums well and wipe. Remove the stems if any
In a thick bottomed pan, add the plums, sugar and water
Keep it on a low flame. After about 10 mins, when the plums are all wilted and mushy, add the cloves and the juice of the grated ginger
Keep stirring every now and then
Check the consistency by dropping a bit on a plate. It shouldnt be runny and should look set
Remove the seeds once its almost done. The skin of the plums was soft and just melted into the flesh of the plums
Once done, allow to cool and store in jars
The jars need to be cleaned and dried completely in the sun or in a microwave


  1. WOW!! You made jam! Aha! J is just like your hubby- fruit juiced with 3 cups of sugar that is how he 'eats' fruits! Did you son like the jam?

  2. Ya SJ, he did like it...and whats it with these men and eating, as in really eating a fruit !!!!!

  3. wow! this is called being creative!! Nice home madde jam! great post dear...

  4. wow this is just awesome, making jam is definetely not a small thing.....u must b a wonderful cook!!!!!

  5. looks so good..i love making jams at home too..

  6. HI Arch,
    Nothing to beat made home made jam, it's looking so bright and inviting.Thanks for the recipe and fantastic effort towards avoiding store brought jam :)

  7. Awesome - home made jam - you are definitely on a different level now! :)


  8. LOL, you bought 25 plums? No wonder your son refused to eat it :D Jam looks great!

  9. homemade jam be the best!! looks very nice

  10. Delicious ! Loved the idea of ginger in jam too !

  11. too bad your son decided not to like plums anymore...but good for us since you get to share this glorious jam with us! I'll bet your son lapped THIS up!

  12. I have not tried a plum jam yet. It looks really good!

  13. Home made pplum jam!!Yumm!!!!Ur blog has nice clicks Arch


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